Inside Docu: ESG Data and ESG Ratings
publiziert am
10. Juli 2023
2 Minuten
A brief insider documentary about Sustainable Investing, Corporate Sustainabily Disclosures, ESG data and what is important to know about ESG Ratings. Also, what are the benefits of the latest ESG Ratings invention by the Swiss company Global Green Xchange (GGX).
A great honor and pleasure to have our first brief documentary live, streaming insights about sustainability reporting, SFDR, CSRD, ESG ratings. Hosted by Martin Raab with tons of refreshing hints for professional investors. Sustainable investment meets innovation.
Über den Author
Martin Raab ist langjähriger Investment Professional, Buchautor und Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats der Global Green Xchange. Er steuert den Bereich ESG Ratings & ESG Data. Als Co-CEO eines Family Office analysiert und berichtet er regelmässig zu diversen Themen rund um Kapitalanlagen, Marktstrategie und Nachhaltigkeit.