What if... you could do something good and purposeful with your money? Matching your values and investment interests? Manage your portfolio with comprehensible ESG parameters. Clear and fact-based instead of confusing and non-transparent.
We create added value and transparency through our own, globally unique quantitative ESG ratings and our independent ESG data solutions. For those who desire even more customization: tailor-made ESG rating models and sustainable investment solutions round off our offering.
Effective insight into the ESG behaviour of companies
The GGX ESG data stands out due to its independence, fair pricing models, and customization.
Learn more about the ESG dataWhat is ESG investing, Scope 1, SDG or SFDR?
Sustainable investing is challenging in practice – for institutional and private investors alike. We create transparency tools and help you to understand more and invest better thanks to expert knowledge, interviews, news and analysis.
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